Modification in Computer

a computer and a camera on a wooden table

Modification in Computer

Modification in Computer

Modification in Computer

1937: In 1937-38, ABC [Atanasoff-Berry Computer] was invented by Dr. Atanasoff and graduate student Clifford Berry. This computer laid foundation for the development of digital computers.

1948: J. Presper, Eckert and John Mouchly created digital computing device ENIAC for the first time. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was having 30 tons weight and 18000 vacuum tubes were used in it.

1951: First commercial available Electronic Digital Computer UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) was introduced in the market by Remington Rand.

1953: IBM model 650 was first said to be created in 1953. More than 2000 system were produced by IBM between 1954 to 1962.

1957: In 1957, simple use of programming language was done using FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation). This idea was given by John Backus to IBM in 1953 and as a result, FORTAN was introduced by in market with compiler in 1957.

1959: Cobol is an old programming language. Its name is COmmon Business Oriented Language. It was developed by Grace Murray Hopper in 1959.

1964: Basic (Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) is a high level programming language. Design of basic was created by John george Kemeny and Thomas Kurt in 1964. It is a user friendly language and gives clear error message. It is not necessary to understand computer hardware hardware for this language.

1969: ARPANET was world’s first operational packet switching network created by United States Department of Defense. It is world’s first invented network.

1976: In 1976, Apple computer was created by Steve Wozniak and Steve jobs. Signal circuit board was first time used in apple computer.

1984: Macintosh computer were introduced in the market by apple in 1984 which have graphical user interface.

1992: In 1992, Windows operating system 3.1 was launched by Microsoft. New feature were introduction in it like, True Type Fonts, Multimedia Capability, Object Linking and Embedding (OLE).

1995: In 1995, Windows95 operating system was introduced in the market by Microsoft. It is a graphical user interface operating system.

1997: In 1997, Internet Explorer 4.0 was introduced in the market by Microsoft company.

2002: .Net strategy was launched by Microsoft in 2002 which plays an important part in web based service.

2005: In 2005, Apple company company introduced pocket sized iPod, audio, new version of players.

2006: Apple has started selling Macintosh computers having Micro Processor.

2009: Windows7 was launched by Microsoft in 2009. It is the latest operating system of Microsoft. Many new features are Introduced in it.

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