Ah, I see! You want the list of all household bills in a mix of Gujarati, Hindi, and English. Here’s the list for you:

All Bills in Gujarati, Hindi, and English:

  1. Electricity Bill
    • Gujarati: વીજળીનો બિલ
    • Hindi: बिजली का बिल
    • English: Electricity Bill
  2. Water Bill
    • Gujarati: પાણીનો બિલ
    • Hindi: पानी का बिल
    • English: Water Bill
  3. Gas Bill
    • Gujarati: ગેસનો બિલ
    • Hindi: गैस का बिल
    • English: Gas Bill
  4. Rent (Gharvero)
    • Gujarati: ભાડુ (ઘરvero)
    • Hindi: किराया (घरवेरा)
    • English: Rent (House rent)
  5. Internet Bill
    • Gujarati: ઇન્ટરનેટનો બિલ
    • Hindi: इंटरनेट का बिल
    • English: Internet Bill
  6. Phone Bill
    • Gujarati: ફોનનો બિલ
    • Hindi: फोन का बिल
    • English: Phone Bill
  7. Cable/TV Bill
    • Gujarati: કેબલ/ટીવીછે લ બિલ
    • Hindi: केबल/टीवी का बिल
    • English: Cable/TV Bill
  8. Garbage Collection
    • Gujarati: કચરાનુ સંકલન
    • Hindi: कचरा संग्रहण
    • English: Garbage Collection
  9. Maintenance Bill
    • Gujarati: મેન્ટેનેન્સનો બિલ
    • Hindi: रखरखाव का बिल
    • English: Maintenance Bill
  10. Property Tax
  • Gujarati: મિલકત કર
  • Hindi: संपत्ति कर
  • English: Property Tax
  1. Insurance Bill
  • Gujarati: બિમાની પોલિસી બિલ
  • Hindi: बीमा बिल
  • English: Insurance Bill
  1. Sewage/Drainage Bill
  • Gujarati: નાળીઓ અને ગટરનો બિલ
  • Hindi: नालियों और गटर का बिल
  • English: Sewage/Drainage Bill
  1. Home Security Bill
  • Gujarati: ઘર સુરક્ષા બિલ
  • Hindi: घर सुरक्षा बिल
  • English: Home Security Bill
  1. Transport Bill (Bus/Train)
    • Gujarati: પરિવહનનો બિલ (બસ/ટ્રેન)
    • Hindi: परिवहन बिल (बस/ट्रेन)
    • English: Transport Bill (Bus/Train)
  2. Subscription Services Bill (Streaming, Magazines, etc.)
    • Gujarati: સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શન સેવાની બિલ
    • Hindi: सब्सक्रिप्शन सेवा बिल
    • English: Subscription Services Bill
  3. Tax Bill (Income Tax, Sales Tax)
    • Gujarati: કરનો બિલ
    • Hindi: कर का बिल
    • English: Tax Bill
  4. Vacation Package Bill
    • Gujarati: રજાના પેકેજનો બિલ
    • Hindi: छुट्टी पैकेज बिल
    • English: Vacation Package Bill
  5. Pet Care Bill
    • Gujarati: પालतુ જાનવર સારવારનો બિલ
    • Hindi: पालतू जानवर का बिल
    • English: Pet Care Bill
  6. Fuel Bill (Petrol/Diesel)
    • Gujarati: ઇંધણનો બિલ (પેટ્રોલ/ડીઝલ)
    • Hindi: ईंधन का बिल (पेट्रोल/डीजल)
    • English: Fuel Bill (Petrol/Diesel)

These are various types of bills people typically pay all around the world. If you need further information about any specific bill or category, feel free to ask!

Garbage Collection Bill

  • Gujarati: કચરાનુ સંકલન
  • Hindi: कचरा संग्रहण बिल
  • English: Garbage Collection Bill

School Fees/College Fees Bill

  • Gujarati: શાળા/કોલેજ ફીનો બિલ
  • Hindi: स्कूल/कॉलेज फीस बिल
  • English: School Fees/College Fees Bill

Smart Home Device Bill (Smart Thermostat, etc.)

  • Gujarati: સ્માર્ટ હોમ ડિવાઇસનો બિલ (સ્માર્ટ થર્મોસ્ટેટ, વગેરે)
  • Hindi: स्मार्ट होम डिवाइस का बिल (स्मार्ट थर्मोस्टेट, आदि)
  • English: Smart Home Device Bill (Smart Thermostat, etc.)

If you’re asking about current types of bills that people generally pay in 2025, they would likely be similar to previous years (e.g., utility bills, rent, credit card bills), but may involve new services or technologies (e.g., subscription services for AI, electric vehicle charging, etc.).

Let me know exactly what you’re looking for so I can provide the most relevant information!

It seems like you are asking about all kinds of household bills (like electricity bills, water bills, rent, etc.). Here’s a list of common bills you might encounter in a typical household:

  1. Electricity Bill – The charge for the use of electrical power in your home.
  2. Water Bill – The charge for the water supply to your home.
  3. Gas Bill – The charge for the use of natural gas for heating or cooking.
  4. Rent (Gharvero) – The monthly rent you pay for your house or apartment.
  5. Internet Bill – The charge for internet service.
  6. Phone Bill – The charge for your landline or mobile phone service.
  7. Cable/TV Bill – The charge for television service or streaming services.
  8. Garbage Collection Bill – The fee for the collection and disposal of waste.
  9. Maintenance Bill – Some apartments or housing complexes charge for the upkeep of common areas.
  10. Property Tax – The annual tax on property value, often paid to the local government.

These are just some of the most common bills you might have to pay in a household. Are you looking for details on how to manage these, or do you have a specific question about one of them? Let me know!

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